VS pre-spray station for pre-cleaning of slightly adhering coarse dirt
The BOHRER VS compact pre-washing station uses high-pressure spraying to remove the remaining, slightly adhering coarse dirt such as sand and loose coarse dirt particles from the crate, either upstream of the crate washer or downstream of an S-turning station for removing broken glass, label residue, etc. This ensures that the soaking bath of the crate washer is not contaminated with unnecessary coarse dirt. The advantage of using this crate pre-cleaning system: The service life of the soft lye is effectively extended, the soiling and cleaning problems of the washer are reduced and the soaking time of the crates is additionally favoured. As with our crate washers, this VS pre-spray station, single and double track, is made entirely of stainless steel and is individually adapted to the existing crate conveyor belts. The control takes place automatically via the crate supply units of the feeding belts.